Strategic branding is an essential part of your business.  Your brand is your promise to your customer.  It tells them what they can expect from your product or service and how you differentiate from others with similar offerings.

Yet, the most important (and most often overlooked) expression of your brand is based on your personality, your values, who you want to be and how others perceive you.  No one is exactly like you — so the culmination of your personality and your experiences is where you have the greatest opportunity to be strategic with your brand.

Strategically, your brand should be:

It is clearly and obviously *your* brand.  You could not substitute it with John’s or Jennifer’s (or anybody else’s business).  It only makes sense for your business.

Verbal communication (text and tone of your messaging) and visual elements (color, images, fonts) are cohesive, consistent and easily remembered.

The business name, tagline, logo, colors and messaging reflect your unique values and personality.  They differentiate your business from the competition.

Your name, design, text can grow with your business. It can customized to work well across all your marketing efforts — on your website, your social media and your printed materials.

Remember, branding your business is an on-going and ever-evolving process.  Small, strategic decisions offer big returns in your long-term branding goals.

Have you tried adding more of your unique personality to your brand?  Did it work?  Please share your story in the comments below.

For those ready to explore what it takes to set up your own independent entity, check out WICademy: Consulting 101.  This is an interactive video conference series exploring how to “set up shop” taught by members of the non-profit Women In Consulting.  These experienced business owners will be sharing their and expertise to help launch the next set of successful “independents”.  It starts May 1, 2014.  To learn more about the course, visit

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  1. Amy Smith May 2, 2014 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    Thanks for sharing you’re knowledge with the WIC community, Wendy. I’m in the midst of launching a new pet product, and this was definitely helpful. I especially appreciate your point about being distinctive. There are so many pet products out there, that we knew we needed a brand that told our unique story and really made us stand out. Great article.

  2. Wendy Wood May 5, 2014 at 10:35 am - Reply


    I am so glad you find it helpful. I use these 4 strategies when I am making any decision about promoting my business and accepting work. I keep a printed business branding “cheat sheet” that I reference often. It is a one page summary of my values and distinctive offerings. It keeps me focused and consistent in my branding efforts.

    Good luck with your launch! I can’t wait to hear more about it.

  3. Lisa Lewis May 14, 2014 at 11:46 am - Reply

    I appreciate hearing your 4 straightforward points. I have recently established a more specific brand/niche and believe I have followed your points without knowing them beforehand! I would love your feedback; I’m new to this area and trying to get a feel for the way women work here. I found your site through a shared link from Refresh Your Career: Connect Work Thrive on LinkedIn.

  4. Wendy Wood June 12, 2014 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    Hi Lisa,
    I think your web site is working well for you. Your messaging is simple and to the point. I get a feel for who you are and who you are marketing to. Using a quality, professional photograph of yourself is really helpful as well. Love that you used the word ‘hubster’ instead of husband. It is a perfect example of adding in some of your unique personality.

    Continue to use your own voice in all of your messaging along with being consistent in the use of your design elements (color, clean layout, fonts) and you are on your way to establishing a trusted relationship with your clients through branding.

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