Aaron Strout’s # 1 top lesson learned in social media is actually a top lesson we should apply to the overall running of our consulting and small businesses: Keep It in a Box.

Essentially, this means keep what you do on a daily basis:

  • Closely aligned with your business goals
  • Prescriptive vs. descriptive, so that others can take action
  • Easy to understand (could I explain what I do to my grandfather?)

Aaron writes that it’s easy to creep out of the box in the social media world. However, I think it’s easy to creep out of the box — period — especially if you’re a small business owner or consultant being pulled in a gazillion directions.

The article is a bit lengthy, but every bit worth the read, as he walks you through the process of how to keep what you do in a box; using his own work at Mzinga as an example.

Read “Keeping It in a Box”

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  1. Lee Garverick October 24, 2008 at 11:43 am - Reply

    Aaron’s blog is a great check list in two ways, one for keeping my own business on track and two, for how I might use social media to grow it. Thanks Avery.

  2. Avery Horzewski October 24, 2008 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    You’re welcome! And you’re right–I plan to use his info in the same way.

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